UMass Amherst momentum and pride reached new heights during the seventh annual online fundraising campaign UMassGives 2019. The two-day event brought together all members of the UMass community to support their favorite program or area of campus. This campaign was the most successful ever with a record number of gifts raising more funds than prior UMassGives campaigns combined.

It was a true grassroots effort, with 98% of donors making gifts of $1,000 or less. Overall, there was a 30% increase in donors and a 34% increase in funds raised (over 2018) through the online site alone during the 48 hours. In addition to the significant increase in online gifts, matching gifts and large gift commitments brought the total amount raised during this time frame to $2.9 million.

“UMassGives is an amazing two days of generosity and community,” says Nathan Adams ’06, executive director, annual giving. “Our donors are committed to making a difference in the lives of students and in the future of UMass Amherst, and we are truly grateful!”

Gifts came in from across the United States, as well as 37 other countries. An incredible 42% of donors had never made a gift to the university before, with students and young alumni taking the lead in new donation counts. The top five classes by donations given are 2022, 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015.

During the online campaign in April, the UMass family came together to ensure that students have the necessary resources and opportunities to make the most of their UMass experience. Funds raised support more than 300 initiatives, programs, and activities across the flagship campus, positively affecting academics, scholarships, student leadership and enrichment, athletics, and more. Student groups alone received 3,426 donations.

Since its launch in in 2013, UMassGives has grown into a meaningful, global philanthropic experience for participants as well as the university. In addition to contributions and commitments, students, alumni, parents, friends, faculty, and staff took to social media to share their passion for the future of UMass Amherst.

Many thanks to everyone who participated in UMassGives 2019. You are helping to make UMass Amherst one of the fastest rising public research universities in the country. Go UMass!

UMassGives 2019 Infographic