This year, the class of 2022 was able to have a great night and do some good for fellow students by attending the 2022 Commencement Ball! A total of 1,375 seniors went to the ball and, together, raised $6,875 for multiple student relief funds on campus. Attendees were given a choice of three central campus funds: the Student Care and Emergency Response Fund (SCERF), the Food Security Fund, and the Student Supply Closet. All three of these funds were created to help students in need on campus. The money raised for SCERF will provide $500 grants for up to six students who have experienced an unexpected emergency this year, the Food Security Fund will provide over 350 meals to students who are experiencing food insecurity, and the Student Supply Closet will make sure personal care items get to more than 200 students in need.

Another way the class of 2022 made a difference this year was through UMassGives, UMass Amherst’s 48-hour online giving campaign. Students, staff, alumni, parents, and friends were all asked to support what they love here at UMass, and the class of 2022 heeded the call: 705 seniors donated to hundreds of campus-wide programs, raising nearly $5,000 for the departments, centers, and student groups that mattered to them. The class of 2022 had one of the highest participation rates of any class during UMassGives! The alumni participation rate is a key part of how U.S. News & World Report determines ranking, so gifts to the university help in multiple ways. Cheers to this year’s seniors for leaving a legacy of generosity here at UMass!