Sage Advice
Mike Shaheen ’17, member of the UMAAA Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) Council, offers some guidance for newly minted grads.
Filling Gaps in the Historical Record
Provost professor Charmaine Nelson leads Slavery North, exploring hidden history of slavery in the northern US and Canada with Mellon Foundation's support.
Olivia Arnold ’24
Olivia Arnold ’24, immersed in animal sciences at UMass Amherst, gained hands-on experience, received scholarships, and explored wildlife conservation in Austra
Five Questions with Christine Whelan Knapp ’72
Christine Whelan Knapp '72 is a retired nurse midwife and mystery author. Her latest, "Murder on the Widow's Walk," was a 2023 AJN top creative work.
Five Questions with Christine Whelan Knapp '72
Nursing graduate Christine Whalen Knapp ’72 has transitioned from a career as a nurse midwife to an award-winning novelist. Read her thoughts on the impact of h
The Ellsberg Initiative for Peace and Democracy
With a new endowment to provide ongoing support, the Ellsberg Initiative for Peace and Democracy is shaping multidisciplinary solutions to global challenges.