The Ellsberg Initiative for Peace and Democracy
In 2019, the university announced the acquisition of the papers of Daniel Ellsberg, one of the nation’s foremost political activists and whistleblowers. The collection includes materials related to his prominent role in releasing the Pentagon Papers, his fight against nuclear weapons, and other steps he took to champion democracy, free speech, and social justice.
During the 2020–21 academic year, the university sponsored multiple ventures to explore his life and legacy, including a year-long seminar, the Ellsberg Archive Project website, a five-episode podcast series, and a free, online conference with more than two dozen high-profile scholars, journalists, former policymakers, whistleblowers, and activists.
The interest from students, scholars, and community members was undeniable, with thousands listening to the podcasts and participating in various events. To build on this momentum, the university launched the Ellsberg Initiative for Peace and Democracy. The initiative’s mission is to promote public understanding, scholarship, and activism in support of compelling and sustainable alternatives to militarism, authoritarianism, and environmental degradation. It recognizes that some of the world’s most pressing problems are interrelated and can only be resolved adequately through multidisciplinary problem solving.
With the aim to transform this initiative into a permanent institute, a new endowment was created to provide ongoing support for the initiative’s activities. Approximately 133 donors have invested in the fund thus far, and the university hopes to raise a total of $15 million in endowment support in the coming years.